Friday, February 12, 2010

How to go through first Red Devil chemo session in harmony and ease

Should you have the diagnosis of breast cancer or some other form of cancer requiring four or eight chemo sessions, you will most likely be given either a combination of A and C (Adriamycin and Cytoxan) or T (Taxotere) and Benadryl. A chemo session takes three or four hours to administer.

Other names for A or Adriamycin are ADR, Rubex, and hydroxyldaunorubicin. Most people call this particular drug the RED DEVIL. This is the part of chemotherapy that causes most people to lose their hair. Typically, it also causes you to pee orange or red for a day or two after each chemo session unless you stay hydrated with lots of liquids. They will always perform an echocardiogram prior to getting this chemo drug to make certain your heart and ejection fraction is strong enough to endure this drug.

Other names for C or Cytoxan are CTX and Neosar. This is the also the drug that can cause the rather common side effect of messing with your taste perception.

Other names for T or Taxotere are RP 56976 and NSC-628503. It is always given in conjunction with Benadryl and either Pepcid or Zantac to help you get through the dosage more comfortably. Additionally, your doctor will issue you a prescription for a light steroid to take the night before and the morning of your chemo session. The Pre Meds for this session only take about an hour to administer followed by an hour-long IV bag of Taxotere. You will need somebody to drop you off and pick you up due to the aftereffects of the Benadryl. The two most common side effects of this chemo drug is bone pain and messing with your taste perception.

Sometimes you may have a severe enough case of cancer that you will undergo perhaps four rounds of A & C followed by a possible four rounds of T. Understand that every cancer diagnosis and treatment is different. You could have the exact same diagnosis as somebody else and the exact same treatment plan; however, your reaction to this treatment could be entirely different due to the chemical make-up of your body and your attitude. Therefore, this article is the chronicle of one woman's experience. If you have a different experience, please share it in the comment section for the benefit of others.

Should you be getting the A & C combo, here is what you might expect to experience.

Click BREAST CANCER to read the entire article on

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