Wednesday, January 20, 2010

How to go from curly to straight, silky hair with a Flat Iron

Would you like to straighten your hair? If you have thick, naturally curly and frizzy hair, a store-bought flat iron will not work. In order to have smooth, silky, touchable hair, it is worthwhile to invest in a flat iron ordered from your favorite salon.

Click HAIR STRAIGHTENING to read the entire article on

P.S. Before my upcoming chemo treatments cause my hair to fall out, I wanted to enjoy having straight, silky hair for the first time in my life.

How to prepare for Subcutaneous Port implanted for chemo treatments

Sub Q Port aka Subcutaneous Port
Sub Q Port aka Subcutaneous Port

Should you have breast cancer or some other condition requiring chemo treatments, a Subcutaneous Port can be your friend. Another name for a Subcutaneous Port is Sub Q Port. One woman who is in her third round of chemo treatments refused to have a Sub Q Port implanted the first time around. Some of her veins collapsed and she suffered needless pain. She went through the Sub Q Port operation for rounds two and three of chemo.

What is a Subcutaneous Port?

The Sub Q port is implanted underneath the collar bone above the healthy breast. It is about the size of a quarter. The narrow tubing, called a catheter, is implanted into the Subcutaneous vein near the lung. Using a Huber Needle, chemo will be inserted directly into the Sub Q Port. The chemo will run through the Sub Q Port, through the catheter tube, and into the veins. This saves your arm from being stuck over and over again with a needle.

Click BREAST CANCER to read the entire article on

The Breast Cancer Site

How to choose between Wigs for Kids or Locks of Love Hair Donation

Before and after shot of Debbie Dunn's hair before donating 24 inches of hair
Before and after shot of Debbie Dunn's hair before donating 24 inches of hair

Your hair has grown long enough and you are thinking about getting it cut. If you have at least ten inches of hair to spare, why not donate it to either Wigs for Kids or Locks of Love so that kids who have lost their hair due to cancer, burns, or alopecia areata can wear a wig made of real hair? So now the big decision is, how do you choose between those two groups? Which organization would you rather donate your hair to?

Years ago, I donated 26 inches of hair to Wigs for Kids. My hair is long enough that I can now donate 24 inches of hair this time around. Do I send my hair to Wigs for Kids again, or do I send it to Locks of Love instead? Here is what I learned about both groups.

Click DONATING HAIR to read the entire article on

How to donate hair to Oil Spills program

Getting hair ready for donation
Getting hair ready for donation

If you own or work at a hair salon, you can donate cut hair and the hair you sweep up from the floor to the Hair for Oil Spills Program that is part of the organization called Matter of Or perhaps you are a busy mother who cuts the hair of your entire family. Rather than throwing that hair away, wouldn’t you like to do something to help our environment?

The group called “Matter of Trust” will weave together all excess hair into a hair mat that helps soak up oil when there is an oil spill. Since there are hundreds of oil spills every year, just think what a difference your donated hair clippings will make.

They will also take pet hair, old nylon stockings with or without runs, waste wool, feathers, and natural fiber donors. See how this program works.

Click DONATE HAIR to read the entire article on

Sub Q Port aka Subcutaneous Port

Sub Q Port aka Subcutaneous Port created with Powerpoint and Art Explosion Publisher Pro Silver by Debbie Dunn. The Sub Q port is implanted underneath the collar bone above the healthy breast. It is about the size of a quarter. The narrow tubing, called a catheter, is implanted into the Subcutaneous vein near the lung. Using a Huber Needle, chemo will be inserted directly into the Sub Q Port. The chemo will run through the Sub Q Port, through the catheter tube, and into the veins. This saves your arm from being stuck over and over again with a needle.

How to debunk some of the myths about Breast Cancer

Many women are so sure that breast cancer could never happen to them based on some of the more well-known myths. Check out these myths to make certain that you don’t get fooled as well. This article might save you some needless pain and could possibly save a life – yours.

Click BREAST CANCER to read the entire article on

The Breast Cancer Site

How to forgive yourself for not taking action sooner via Reintegration Healing Process

Are you having trouble forgiving yourself? Do you realize, to your regret, that if you had taken action sooner, a bad consequence might never have happened? Of if it did happen, it would have been so much better than the way it is now? Rather than getting bogged down with bitter regrets and self-recrimination, here is how the Reintegration Healing Process can really help you achieve a sense of peace.

Click HEAL ANYTHING to read the entire article on

How to Recognize Spirit or Angelic Intervention When It Happens

Is there ever a time when we are seeing an angel or a spirit rather than a flesh-and-blood human? In a time of need, have you ever had someone render assistance? Later on, did you justify that timely intervention with words or phrases that ranged from lucky break or timely coincidence to mystifying to miracle? I strongly suspect that some of us would discover that, in actuality, we “have entertained angels unawares.”

Click SPIRIT OR ANGELIC INTERVENTION to read several examples on

The Rescue of Little Sadie and Cousin Rock

A little girl named Sadie finds a tiny cave alcove with a small pulsating rock nearby she calls Strange Rock. Each day, Strange Rock grows bigger. One day, it grows so big, Sadie is trapped inside. Who will save Little Sadie before it is too late?

* Click CHAPTER 1 to read the first part of the story called “The Rescue of Little Sadie and Cousin Rock.”

* Click CHAPTER 2 to read the last part of the story called “The Rescue of Little Sadie and Cousin Rock.”

How to invest your energy more productively – from PINS to PIPS

Are you facing a challenge that appears daunting? Perhaps you wish to lose weight. Perhaps you are dealing with a cranky boss or co-workers. Perhaps you are facing a health issue such as breast cancer, heart disease, ruptured discs, or some other issue. Perhaps you are a victim of bullying at school or at work. Perhaps you are an athlete and there is a big game or race or event coming up. Whatever your issue, it can be handled and well-being can and will abound. Learn how you can invest your energy productively – from PINS to PIPS.

Click on POSITIVE ENERGY to read this article on

How to Hold out the Vision for a Healthy-Body Outcome

Are you facing a health challenge right now? Perhaps you have a lump in your breast. Perhaps you want or need to lose several pounds for health or vanity reasons. Perhaps you have to undergo open-heart surgery. Perhaps you have a painful back ache. Perhaps you have some other part of your body requiring your attention health-wise. Here is how you can hold out the vision for a healthy-body outcome.

Click on HEAL ANYTHING to read the entire article on

How to Avoid Playing a Tug of War Game with God

You suspect you have cancer or a tumor growing within you or you have actually received that diagnosis from a trained physician. You wish to request to be healed of this dis-ease that became a disease from God. You ask God to heal you. You hand over custody of this cancer or tumor to Him; however, you find numerous ways to re-possess what you had released into His hands. Here is how you can avoid playing a tug of war game with God.

Click on HEAL ANYTHING to read the entire article on

How to go through a Breast Biopsy with the least amount of pain and stress

Should your diagnostic mammogram reveal that your breast lump might indicate that you have breast cancer, the doctor will conduct a breast biopsy as soon as possible. The breast biopsy takes thirty to forty-five minutes. Here are some steps you can take to survive the Breast Biopsy with the least amount of pain and stress.

Click BREAST CANCER to read the entire article on

The Breast Cancer Site

How to take the Necessary First Steps should you Discover a Lump in your Breast

If you suddenly discover that you have a small or large lump in your breast, these are the necessary first steps that you should take.

Click BREAST CANCER to read the entire article on

The Breast Cancer Site

How to use Reintegration Healing Process to help with past conflicts with others

Have you tried to use the Reintegration Healing Process on a physical problem and found it helpful? What about when you have emotional trauma, past or present? What if you just can’t get some past conflict off your mind?

Have you been convinced you had long ago healed from a childhood incident or something that happened to you as a teenager, young adult, older adult, or as part of a former marriage or partnership of some type? Then something unrelated happened which triggered the trauma all over again.

Here is how you can take the Reintegration Healing Process to the next level to help heal physical, emotional, mental, intellectual, or psychological trauma.

Click on HEAL ANYTHING to read the entire article.

How to practice Self-Healing using the Reintegration Healing Process

Here is the step-by-step process to follow as you practice Self-Healing using the Reintegration Healing Process. It is a combination of elements I learned at Delphi University in McCaysville, GA, Reiki classes I have taken, and a process taught to me by my team of angels and spirit guides.

Click HEAL ANYTHING to read the entire article on