Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Product Review: Breville Juice Fountain Plus JE98XL

I feel positively healthy. About an hour ago, I drank my first veggie fruit drink made with my just-out-of-the-box (as of yesterday) Breville Juice Fountain Plus JE98XL. My drink was made with a few handfuls of Spinach leaves, a few handfuls of shredded carrots, and two Gala Apples. You can see the photo to see what my drink and the juicer look like.

Initial Cleaning

The juicer was very well packed. I removed all parts from the box and washed and dried all parts.

Putting the Juicer together

To remind myself how to put the juicer together, I re-watched the following YouTube video.

Then I got in a bit of a panic as I didn’t see a froth catcher. I’m thinking, “Great! I am missing an essential part and can’t use the juicer.” So I called the Breville Customer Service line once they opened up at 8 am Pacific Standard Time. The guy was really nice who I talked with. When I told him that my froth catcher was missing, he explained that since that YouTube video was made, they had made improvements to the product. The froth catcher was now part of the pitcher cover. Sure enough, when I looked close, I saw he was correct. Phew!

The manual and one video I watched suggested you line the pulp catcher with a plastic bag for easy clean-up. I double-lined it with two plastic grocery bags since each of them had a small hole. It worked beautifully. When I removed the bags after making my drink, the pulp catcher was perfectly clean and did not require washing. Woo-hoo!

As for the pulp, it was nicely dry. This shows me that most of the juice was extracted from the food I added. Since I don’t have a compost heap and there was no recipe I was making that I thought would benefit from this particular mixture, I simply threw the bags containing the pulp away.

Making first Veggie-Fruit Drink

For my first veggie-fruit drink, I decided to use three things I had on hand: spinach leaves, shredded carrots, and Gala apples. In the directions, it was suggested that I do not place the spinach leaves in alone as they needed some other veggie to help get the juice extracted from it better. Unfortunately, I didn’t have anything that I thought would work. I decided to go ahead and use it anyway.

I turned the motor on to the low setting and added several handfuls of spinach leaves. I did not get a huge amount of juice. Next time, I will find something to add with it.

At one point, the motor got extra loud and I panicked and thought I had overheated the unit. But when I realized that the overheating light had not come on, I realized that perhaps it gets loud on its own. So warning: Don’t make this drink if somebody in your house is trying to sleep.

Next step, I added several handfuls of shredded carrots.

Last, I added two Gala apples that were washed but still had a stem, core, skin, etc.

My juice mixture was green – as you can see in the photo.

I placed some ice cubes in a glass and poured the juice in the glass. I smelled it. It smelled like apple juice. I must admit that I was a bit nervous to try it at first. Of course for me, the litmus test is the smell factor. If I don’t like the smell of something, I refuse to put it in my mouth. Since the smell was good, I was willing to take the risk. I actually took several sips before snapping the photo as this drink was tasty. Yum!

I enjoyed drinking the entire glassful. I would definitely make this combination of fruit and veggies again.

Final Clean-Up

Clean-up was a cinch. I took the juicer apart and rinsed off all parts. Then I used the special hard-bristle brush that comes with the juicer to wash the filter. Then I washed all parts with warm, soapy water. It took very little time to clean-up. That is another litmus test of mine.

Final Conclusion

I think this juicer was a real bargain. I can easily visualize myself using it every day.

Since I am now cancer-free aka in remission from breast cancer, I am extra motivated to make certain I stay that way. So making healthy drinks that actually taste good is going to be part of my strategy to look and feel healthy.

My final litmus test is aftertaste. That juice drink has left a very nice aftertaste in my mouth. I actually look forward to being able to partake of this drink again.

Monday, December 6, 2010

I'm excited about a juicer I've ordered for health reasons

Now that I am in full remission from breast cancer aka cancer-free, I am very involved in taking active steps to keep it that way permanently. I am working out some; however, I could and should do a lot more of that. I am also finding more and more ways to eat healthy-type foods.

I bought one juicer from Wal-Mart that worked fairly well. It was called a Ninja Master Prep. You can watch these two Associated videos watching how to make snow and how to make one particular juice drink I like.

How to Make Snow Using Ninja Master Prep 
Mixed Berry Slush Drink Using Ninja Master Prep 

The juicer works fairly well; however, it does not make the juice as fine as I would like. I end up almost eating my drink rather than drinking to some extent. So I made up my mind that I would like to order a juicer that has more bells and whistles.

After doing a lot of research, I decided to order a Breville Juicer Fountain Plus. It has an 850 watts motor. The juicer sells for $149.95. My husband isn't totally thrilled that I bought one that is rather on the expensive side; however, when you take into account what I have been through and never wish to go through again, than the price is much more worth it.

Out of the Box: Breville Juice Fountain Plus JE95XL 

I found this YouTube video that describes how you put the juicer together. It looks relatively easy to do. Ease-of-use was one of my considerations. I also read a lot of reviews on-line of this juicer and several others. This one seemed to have the most positive reviews. That was really important to me as well. It also sounds like clean-up won't be too bad.

I found this video to be helpful as well:

Breville - Juice Fountain Plus Electric Juicer - Silver 

One site suggested that I put a plastic produce bag inside the pulp catcher. That sounds like a great idea.

My current thoughts is that I may use the Ninja to make the snow. I use the Breville Juicer Fountain Plus to make the juice. Then I pour the juice over the slush and have a really healthy slushy to drink. I may find, however, that I enjoy the juice without having to have a bunch of ice mixed in. I will have to wait and see.

Now the countdown begins. I ordered the juicer the evening of December 6th. The expected arrival date is either December 13 or 14. I am hoping, of course, that it will arrive sooner than that. I will keep you posted.

I wish all of you good health and a very happy day!

With love,
Healing Seeker aka Debbie

Thursday, December 2, 2010

A Dancing Bear for a Dancing Niece

I just saw the cutest set of kids backpacks. The one I pictured is the cutest one of them all. As a woman who had breast cancer – notice the past tense – woohoo! – I was looking through pink totes. For one thing, I was kind of contemplating buying some kind of tote bag for when I work out at the YMCA. After having a double mastectomy plus ten lymph nodes removed, I need to regain full strength. Additionally, I wish to lose sixty pounds before getting reconstruction surgery the late fall of 2011.

So as I was looking through pink totes in honor of breast cancer, I saw this adorable backpack. My second to youngest niece took ballet for a while. Now she has started gymnastics. She is in kindergarten, by the way. She already has a Tinker Bell backpack that she really likes; however, her little sister is aching to take either a dance class or gymnastics class just like her big sister. So when she finally comes of age, she is not quite 2 ½ currently, perhaps this will be a backpack that I will purchase for her. For one thing, it has wheels. That means the backpack will not strain her back. For another thing, it is absolutely adorable. For a third thing, she loves pink.

When I went to school, using a backpack was not in vogue until I got to college. My college backpack was green and rather plain and unexciting. It is so fun to see what fun options there are for young people today. It almost makes you wish you could be extra young again. Almost! Though actually, you couldn’t pay me to wish to repeat high school or junior high again.

But for those of you with young people in your life, it’s nice to know that you can bring color and pleasure to their lives with some really fun gifts.

In any case, have a wonderful holiday season with the people you love. I am more grateful than ever to have my newly acquired good health – I am now cancer-free – so that I can spend this Christmas and many holidays to come with my beloved husband and my other family members who  I love so very much. Happy holidays and a very happy new year!

Friday, November 5, 2010

I love the message in Super Chick singing "We Live"

I love the message in Super Chick singing "We Live"

Seeking the best way to pray for a friend with terminal cancer

Introduction: You learn that someone you love is in the hospital. You are told that he or she is not going home. What is the best way to pray for someone with terminal cancer? How do you make your peace should you have to say that final good-bye?

I am seeking the best way to pray for a friend with terminal cancer.

I met this dear woman and her husband at the monthly cancer support group I attend. She was one of the ones who made me feel so welcome when I first walked through those doors in February of 2010. It was clear that she and her husband shared a very strong and supportive bond. She had such vitality, a very strong and loving spirit, and a great sense of humor.

She cheered me on as I went through chemo, a double mastectomy, and radiation. She was so happy for me when I went into remission from breast cancer. In other words, there is no more cancer in my body.
 She has traveled one cancer journey and then was in remission for 40 years. Then she got another type of cancer and went in remission from that. After more than three years, that cancer re-surfaced. So once again, she started going through chemo treatments.

Suddenly, she started getting ailments that the doctors could not get a handle on or diagnose. They ran test after test after test. In a matter of weeks, she seemed to get worse. Finally, it was discovered that the cancer has spread to her liver.

Her husband came in halfway through our most recent cancer support group the first Monday of November 2010. He told us her room number. He told us more about what she was going through. He had rushed home to pick up a few more things. He asked for our prayers. Then he rushed off to be with her again.

So the question is, how do we best pray for someone with terminal cancer? It is a dilemma.

I went to visit her in the hospital two days ago and again yesterday. I will go back today. Her husband took me out into the corridor and stated that unless there was a miracle, she was not going home. The doctors were not even venturing a guess how long she has left. He stated, “She is my whole life.” He was only getting three and a half hours of sleep a night. He remains strong while sitting with her. When he gets home, he cries.  I cannot even imagine what he is going through.

The good news is that she is not in pain. She has trouble catching her breath and she coughs some. She is praying for a healing.

I had recently completed a prayer shawl and prayer square using some very soft and fluffy yarn. I asked God to place his healing energy in both. I gave her the shawl and her husband the 4 inch by 4 inch square to keep in his pocket. It made me feel a sense of relief to be able to offer some tangible form of comfort.

But still, my dilemma is, how do I best pray for someone who has touched my heart so dearly?

I finally settled on the following philosophy: I know that we are all God’s children and God loves all his beloved children equally. God loves this woman, his daughter, as much as He loves me and all his other daughters. He loves her husband, His son, as much as He loves all his other sons.

I guess we pray that if it is in the highest order of things for her to return to the home she shares with her husband, then that is what I want to see happen. If it is in the highest order of things for her to go home to live with God, then please do it in such a way that she is pain-free and having lovely quality moments with her husband and the other people she loves in the meantime.

I ask for this dear woman to be healed. I know what outcome I most want to see happen. I want her to be healthy and whole where I can see her and share a hug. God knows the actual outcome. It is truly in His hands.

Healing can come in many forms. Healing can come from a reversal of cancer where it is no longer metastasizing in the body. Healing can come in the spirit, where the person can feel a strong sense of peace and comfort that it is time to go home to God. Healing can come is so many other ways. In whatever way it is possible and in whatever way it is for her highest good, the highest good of her husband, and the highest good of all, I ask that healing come to her.

I also ask that healing comes to her husband and all the people who love her when and if we truly do have to say that final good-bye. May God comfort us and bring us a strong sense of peace.

So what about you, if you have ever had to face saying good-bye to someone you love, whether he or she be a family member or a friend, how did you pray? Plus, how did you make your peace with having to say that final good-bye? I am open to ideas.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

I am so excited about being able to renovate my office space

Living in a log cabin in the country has its perks and its challenges. One of the challenges is that the side rooms are not very large. In other to create more storage and work space, you have to make tall verticals rather than being able to spread out.

When I moved to this log cabin nearly two years ago, I had to give up my spacious office in my apartment in Knoxville, Tennessee. Of course, I was happy to be living and married to the man I love. I was a little regretful to having to down-size my belongings and work space. Not only that, the room that is my office slopes. When sitting down on the computer chair, you slide away from the computer desk. You actually have to climb a little hill to position yourself in front of the computer. The room has other challenges as well. It is not my favorite room.

A little over a year after moving here, I sadly got diagnosed with breast cancer. The happy ending to that is that I have already completed all chemo treatments and the double mastectomy. Even though I have five more radiation treatments that will end on November 5, 2010, I am officially in remission. I much prefer to use the term cancer-free; however, that is not politically correct. The term “in remission” has too much fear factor for me. So in private, I state that I am cancer free. In front of doctors and some others, I state I am “in remission.” In any case, there is no more cancer in my body. So to me, I am cancer free.

Due to having had this condition, notice the past tense, two friends of ours are going to make a beautiful gift to us. They are going to tear out the floor boards in that office and re-do the floor from scratch. This means they will also have to tear out the built-in bed and the two built-in dressers. I cannot tell you how thrilled I will be to see all three furniture pieces go. That means that I will get to re-do that room in its entirety. I am so happy and grateful.

The only sad part is that I had owned some beautiful nightstands, dressers, computer desks, etc. that would have been ideal for this office space. The nightstands that I owned would have been so ideal for storage of a lot of my storytelling materials. Sigh! By the way, this room also doubles as my dressing room. Not ever imagining that this opportunity would ever happen nor that I would be diagnosed and cured from cancer, I sold off all that furniture on Craigslist. Double Sigh!

By the way, the nightstand in the picture is not the same as the one that I sold; however, there are similarities.

Of course, the fun part is that I get the fun of picking out the perfect furniture to renovate this room exactly the way I most desire. I am so excited about that part.

So the sequel to this story will soon be posted where I find one or more perfect replacement pieces for my new office. Woo-hoo!

It's Safe to Be Slender: Vitamin & Mineral Supplements

As Healing Seeker affirms her declaration that it is safe to be slender, read her exploration of the health benefits of taking vitamins and minerals for weight loss and for maintaining a healthy body.

Click WEIGHTLOSS to read the entire story on Associated

It's Safe to Be Slender: Flax Seed Benefits

As Healing Seeker affirms her declaration that it is safe to be slender, read her exploration of the health benefits of having a daily dose of 4 tablespoons of flax seed mixed with 4 ounces of yogurt. In addition, it pleases her taste buds.

Click WEIGHTLOSS to read the entire story on Associated

Declaration: It's Safe to Be Slender

Healing Seeker is in remission from breast cancer. Read about her journey to lose 60 pounds before getting reconstruction surgery in fall of 2011. Celebrate the knowledge that we don’t need all that insulation. Instead, know that it is safe to be slender.

Click WEIGHTLOSS to read the entire story on Associated

Monday, October 25, 2010

Best Review - Top 6 Breast Cancer Journey Tales Part 17 by Healing Seeker

Trace the saga of Healing Seeker as she travels her Breast Cancer Journey from first discovering the large lump to the diagnosis of having malignant breast cancer to a treatment plan that includes chemo, a double mastectomy, and radiation, to the blessed state of being in remission.

Perhaps if you learn from the Breast Cancer Journey traveled by Healing Seeker, you yourself or someone you love will not have to travel that same road yourself. Should you get diagnosed with breast cancer, know that there is a higher road to take full of blessings, the realization of the great power of prayer, a loving support system, and maintaining a positive attitude and a great sense of humor. Many blessings to you all! Healing Seeker aka Debbie

Click BREAST CANCER to visit these top six Breast Cancer tales at

Click TOP TEN REVIEWER should you wish to post a top ten reviewer site of your very own. This site was created by James Colin from and She Told

You can view the rest of my reviews by clicking Debbie Dunn’s Most Recent Tops.

Join with Debbie Dunn as your referrer!

Best Review - Top 5 Breast Cancer Journey Tales Part 16 by Healing Seeker

Trace the saga of Healing Seeker as she travels her Breast Cancer Journey from first discovering the large lump to the diagnosis of having malignant breast cancer to a treatment plan that includes chemo, a double mastectomy, and radiation, to the blessed state of being in remission.

Perhaps if you learn from the Breast Cancer Journey traveled by Healing Seeker, you yourself or someone you love will not have to travel that same road yourself. Should you get diagnosed with breast cancer, know that there is a higher road to take full of blessings, the realization of the great power of prayer, a loving support system, and maintaining a positive attitude and a great sense of humor. Many blessings to you all! Healing Seeker aka Debbie

Click BREAST CANCER to visit these top five Breast Cancer tales at

Click TOP TEN REVIEWER should you wish to post a top ten reviewer site of your very own. This site was created by James Colin from and She Told

You can view the rest of my reviews by clicking Debbie Dunn’s Most Recent Tops.

Join with Debbie Dunn as your referrer!

Best Review - Top 6 Breast Cancer Journey Tales Part 15 by Healing Seeker

Trace the saga of Healing Seeker as she travels her Breast Cancer Journey from first discovering the large lump to the diagnosis of having malignant breast cancer to a treatment plan that includes chemo, a double mastectomy, and radiation, to the blessed state of being in remission.

Perhaps if you learn from the Breast Cancer Journey traveled by Healing Seeker, you yourself or someone you love will not have to travel that same road yourself. Should you get diagnosed with breast cancer, know that there is a higher road to take full of blessings, the realization of the great power of prayer, a loving support system, and maintaining a positive attitude and a great sense of humor. Many blessings to you all! Healing Seeker aka Debbie

Click BREAST CANCER to visit these top six Breast Cancer tales at

Click TOP TEN REVIEWER should you wish to post a top ten reviewer site of your very own. This site was created by James Colin from and She Told

You can view the rest of my reviews by clicking Debbie Dunn’s Most Recent Tops.

Join with Debbie Dunn as your referrer!

Best Review - Top 5 Breast Cancer Journey Tales Part 14 by Healing Seeker

Trace the saga of Healing Seeker as she travels her Breast Cancer Journey from first discovering the large lump to the diagnosis of having malignant breast cancer to a treatment plan that includes chemo, a double mastectomy, and radiation, to the blessed state of being in remission.

Perhaps if you learn from the Breast Cancer Journey traveled by Healing Seeker, you yourself or someone you love will not have to travel that same road yourself. Should you get diagnosed with breast cancer, know that there is a higher road to take full of blessings, the realization of the great power of prayer, a loving support system, and maintaining a positive attitude and a great sense of humor. Many blessings to you all! Healing Seeker aka Debbie

Click BREAST CANCER to visit these top five Breast Cancer tales at

Click TOP TEN REVIEWER should you wish to post a top ten reviewer site of your very own. This site was created by James Colin from and She Told

You can view the rest of my reviews by clicking Debbie Dunn’s Most Recent Tops.

Join with Debbie Dunn as your referrer!

Best Review - Top 5 Breast Cancer Journey Tales Part 13 by Healing Seeker

Trace the saga of Healing Seeker as she travels her Breast Cancer Journey from first discovering the large lump to the diagnosis of having malignant breast cancer to a treatment plan that includes chemo, a double mastectomy, and radiation, to the blessed state of being in remission.

Perhaps if you learn from the Breast Cancer Journey traveled by Healing Seeker, you yourself or someone you love will not have to travel that same road yourself. Should you get diagnosed with breast cancer, know that there is a higher road to take full of blessings, the realization of the great power of prayer, a loving support system, and maintaining a positive attitude and a great sense of humor. Many blessings to you all! Healing Seeker aka Debbie

Click BREAST CANCER to visit these top five Breast Cancer tales at

Click TOP TEN REVIEWER should you wish to post a top ten reviewer site of your very own. This site was created by James Colin from and She Told

You can view the rest of my reviews by clicking Debbie Dunn’s Most Recent Tops.

Join with Debbie Dunn as your referrer!

Best Review - Top 5 Breast Cancer Journey Tales Part 12 by Healing Seeker

Trace the saga of Healing Seeker as she travels her Breast Cancer Journey from first discovering the large lump to the diagnosis of having malignant breast cancer to a treatment plan that includes chemo, a double mastectomy, and radiation, to the blessed state of being in remission.

Perhaps if you learn from the Breast Cancer Journey traveled by Healing Seeker, you yourself or someone you love will not have to travel that same road yourself. Should you get diagnosed with breast cancer, know that there is a higher road to take full of blessings, the realization of the great power of prayer, a loving support system, and maintaining a positive attitude and a great sense of humor. Many blessings to you all! Healing Seeker aka Debbie

Click BREAST CANCER to visit these top five Breast Cancer tales at

Click TOP TEN REVIEWER should you wish to post a top ten reviewer site of your very own. This site was created by James Colin from and She Told

You can view the rest of my reviews by clicking Debbie Dunn’s Most Recent Tops.

Join with Debbie Dunn as your referrer!

Best Review - Top 5 Breast Cancer Journey Tales Part 11 by Healing Seeker

Trace the saga of Healing Seeker as she travels her Breast Cancer Journey from first discovering the large lump to the diagnosis of having malignant breast cancer to a treatment plan that includes chemo, a double mastectomy, and radiation, to the blessed state of being in remission.

Perhaps if you learn from the Breast Cancer Journey traveled by Healing Seeker, you yourself or someone you love will not have to travel that same road yourself. Should you get diagnosed with breast cancer, know that there is a higher road to take full of blessings, the realization of the great power of prayer, a loving support system, and maintaining a positive attitude and a great sense of humor. Many blessings to you all! Healing Seeker aka Debbie

Click BREAST CANCER to visit these top five Breast Cancer tales at

Click TOP TEN REVIEWER should you wish to post a top ten reviewer site of your very own. This site was created by James Colin from and She Told

You can view the rest of my reviews by clicking Debbie Dunn’s Most Recent Tops.

Join with Debbie Dunn as your referrer!

Best Review - Top 5 Breast Cancer Journey Tales Part 10 by Healing Seeker

Trace the saga of Healing Seeker as she travels her Breast Cancer Journey from first discovering the large lump to the diagnosis of having malignant breast cancer to a treatment plan that includes chemo, a double mastectomy, and radiation, to the blessed state of being in remission.

Perhaps if you learn from the Breast Cancer Journey traveled by Healing Seeker, you yourself or someone you love will not have to travel that same road yourself. Should you get diagnosed with breast cancer, know that there is a higher road to take full of blessings, the realization of the great power of prayer, a loving support system, and maintaining a positive attitude and a great sense of humor. Many blessings to you all! Healing Seeker aka Debbie

Click BREAST CANCER to visit these top five Breast Cancer tales at

Click TOP TEN REVIEWER should you wish to post a top ten reviewer site of your very own. This site was created by James Colin from and She Told

You can view the rest of my reviews by clicking Debbie Dunn’s Most Recent Tops.

Join with Debbie Dunn as your referrer!

Best Review - Top 5 Breast Cancer Journey Tales Part 9 by Healing Seeker

Trace the saga of Healing Seeker as she travels her Breast Cancer Journey from first discovering the large lump to the diagnosis of having malignant breast cancer to a treatment plan that includes chemo, a double mastectomy, and radiation, to the blessed state of being in remission.

Perhaps if you learn from the Breast Cancer Journey traveled by Healing Seeker, you yourself or someone you love will not have to travel that same road yourself. Should you get diagnosed with breast cancer, know that there is a higher road to take full of blessings, the realization of the great power of prayer, a loving support system, and maintaining a positive attitude and a great sense of humor. Many blessings to you all! Healing Seeker aka Debbie

Click BREAST CANCER to visit these top five Breast Cancer tales at

Click TOP TEN REVIEWER should you wish to post a top ten reviewer site of your very own. This site was created by James Colin from and She Told

You can view the rest of my reviews by clicking Debbie Dunn’s Most Recent Tops.

Join with Debbie Dunn as your referrer!

Best Review - Top 5 Breast Cancer Journey Tales Part 8 by Healing Seeker

Trace the saga of Healing Seeker as she travels her Breast Cancer Journey from first discovering the large lump to the diagnosis of having malignant breast cancer to a treatment plan that includes chemo, a double mastectomy, and radiation, to the blessed state of being in remission.

Perhaps if you learn from the Breast Cancer Journey traveled by Healing Seeker, you yourself or someone you love will not have to travel that same road yourself. Should you get diagnosed with breast cancer, know that there is a higher road to take full of blessings, the realization of the great power of prayer, a loving support system, and maintaining a positive attitude and a great sense of humor. Many blessings to you all! Healing Seeker aka Debbie

Click BREAST CANCER to visit these top five Breast Cancer tales at

Click TOP TEN REVIEWER should you wish to post a top ten reviewer site of your very own. This site was created by James Colin from and She Told

You can view the rest of my reviews by clicking Debbie Dunn’s Most Recent Tops.

Join with Debbie Dunn as your referrer!

Best Review - Top 5 Breast Cancer Journey Tales Part 7 by Healing Seeker

Trace the saga of Healing Seeker as she travels her Breast Cancer Journey from first discovering the large lump to the diagnosis of having malignant breast cancer to a treatment plan that includes chemo, a double mastectomy, and radiation, to the blessed state of being in remission.

Perhaps if you learn from the Breast Cancer Journey traveled by Healing Seeker, you yourself or someone you love will not have to travel that same road yourself. Should you get diagnosed with breast cancer, know that there is a higher road to take full of blessings, the realization of the great power of prayer, a loving support system, and maintaining a positive attitude and a great sense of humor. Many blessings to you all! Healing Seeker aka Debbie

Click BREAST CANCER to visit these top five Breast Cancer tales at

Click TOP TEN REVIEWER should you wish to post a top ten reviewer site of your very own. This site was created by James Colin from and She Told

You can view the rest of my reviews by clicking Debbie Dunn’s Most Recent Tops.

Join with Debbie Dunn as your referrer!

Best Review - Top 5 Breast Cancer Journey Tales Part 6 by Healing Seeker

Trace the saga of Healing Seeker as she travels her Breast Cancer Journey from first discovering the large lump to the diagnosis of having malignant breast cancer to a treatment plan that includes chemo, a double mastectomy, and radiation, to the blessed state of being in remission.

Perhaps if you learn from the Breast Cancer Journey traveled by Healing Seeker, you yourself or someone you love will not have to travel that same road yourself. Should you get diagnosed with breast cancer, know that there is a higher road to take full of blessings, the realization of the great power of prayer, a loving support system, and maintaining a positive attitude and a great sense of humor. Many blessings to you all! Healing Seeker aka Debbie

Click BREAST CANCER to visit these top five Breast Cancer tales at

Click TOP TEN REVIEWER should you wish to post a top ten reviewer site of your very own. This site was created by James Colin from and She Told

You can view the rest of my reviews by clicking Debbie Dunn’s Most Recent Tops.

Join with Debbie Dunn as your referrer!

Best Review - Top 5 Breast Cancer Journey Tales Part 5 By Healing Seeker

Trace the saga of Healing Seeker as she travels her Breast Cancer Journey from first discovering the large lump to the diagnosis of having malignant breast cancer to a treatment plan that includes chemo, a double mastectomy, and radiation, to the blessed state of being in remission.

Perhaps if you learn from the Breast Cancer Journey traveled by Healing Seeker, you yourself or someone you love will not have to travel that same road yourself. Should you get diagnosed with breast cancer, know that there is a higher road to take full of blessings, the realization of the great power of prayer, a loving support system, and maintaining a positive attitude and a great sense of humor. Many blessings to you all! Healing Seeker aka Debbie

Click BREAST CANCER to visit these top five Breast Cancer tales at

Click TOP TEN REVIEWER should you wish to post a top ten reviewer site of your very own. This site was created by James Colin from and She Told

You can view the rest of my reviews by clicking Debbie Dunn’s Most Recent Tops.

Join with Debbie Dunn as your referrer!

Best Review - Top 5 Breast Cancer Journey Tales Part 4 by Healing Seeker

Trace the saga of Healing Seeker as she travels her Breast Cancer Journey from first discovering the large lump to the diagnosis of having malignant breast cancer to a treatment plan that includes chemo, a double mastectomy, and radiation, to the blessed state of being in remission.

Perhaps if you learn from the Breast Cancer Journey traveled by Healing Seeker, you yourself or someone you love will not have to travel that same road yourself. Should you get diagnosed with breast cancer, know that there is a higher road to take full of blessings, the realization of the great power of prayer, a loving support system, and maintaining a positive attitude and a great sense of humor. Many blessings to you all! Healing Seeker aka Debbie

Click BREAST CANCER to visit these top five Breast Cancer tales at

Click TOP TEN REVIEWER should you wish to post a top ten reviewer site of your very own. This site was created by James Colin from and She Told

You can view the rest of my reviews by clicking Debbie Dunn’s Most Recent Tops.

Join with Debbie Dunn as your referrer!

Best Review - Top 7 Breast Cancer Journey Tales Part 3 by Healing Seeker

Trace the saga of Healing Seeker as she travels her Breast Cancer Journey from first discovering the large lump to the diagnosis of having malignant breast cancer to a treatment plan that includes chemo, a double mastectomy, and radiation, to the blessed state of being in remission.

Perhaps if you learn from the Breast Cancer Journey traveled by Healing Seeker, you yourself or someone you love will not have to travel that same road yourself. Should you get diagnosed with breast cancer, know that there is a higher road to take full of blessings, the realization of the great power of prayer, a loving support system, and maintaining a positive attitude and a great sense of humor. Many blessings to you all! Healing Seeker aka Debbie

Click BREAST CANCER to visit these top seven Breast Cancer tales at

Click TOP TEN REVIEWER should you wish to post a top ten reviewer site of your very own. This site was created by James Colin from and She Told

You can view the rest of my reviews by clicking Debbie Dunn’s Most Recent Tops.

Join with Debbie Dunn as your referrer!

Best Review - Top 5 Breast Cancer Journey Tales Part 2 by Healing Seeker

Trace the saga of Healing Seeker as she travels her Breast Cancer Journey from first discovering the large lump to the diagnosis of having malignant breast cancer to a treatment plan that includes chemo, a double mastectomy, and radiation, to the blessed state of being in remission.

Perhaps if you learn from the Breast Cancer Journey traveled by Healing Seeker, you yourself or someone you love will not have to travel that same road yourself. Should you get diagnosed with breast cancer, know that there is a higher road to take full of blessings, the realization of the great power of prayer, a loving support system, and maintaining a positive attitude and a great sense of humor. Many blessings to you all! Healing Seeker aka Debbie

Click BREAST CANCER to visit these top five Breast Cancer tales at

Click TOP TEN REVIEWER should you wish to post a top ten reviewer site of your very own. This site was created by James Colin from and She Told

You can view the rest of my reviews by clicking Debbie Dunn’s Most Recent Tops.

Join with Debbie Dunn as your referrer!

Best Review - Top 5 Breast Cancer Journey Tales Part 1 by Healing Seeker

Trace the saga of Healing Seeker as she travels her Breast Cancer Journey from first discovering the large lump to the diagnosis of having malignant breast cancer to a treatment plan that includes chemo, a double mastectomy, and radiation, to the blessed state of being in remission.

Perhaps if you learn from the Breast Cancer Journey traveled by Healing Seeker, you yourself or someone you love will not have to travel that same road yourself. Should you get diagnosed with breast cancer, know that there is a higher road to take full of blessings, the realization of the great power of prayer, a loving support system, and maintaining a positive attitude and a great sense of humor. Many blessings to you all! Healing Seeker aka Debbie

Click BREAST CANCER to visit these top five Breast Cancer tales at

Click TOP TEN REVIEWER should you wish to post a top ten reviewer site of your very own. This site was created by James Colin from and She Told

You can view the rest of my reviews by clicking Debbie Dunn’s Most Recent Tops.

Join with Debbie Dunn as your referrer!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Video Tutorial: How to empty Mastectomy Drain Bottles after Breast Cancer Surgery

After having a double mastectomy & 10 lymph nodes removed, 3 drain bottles (Jackson/Pratt) got hooked up to my 3 incision areas to drain off blood and pus. Once sent home from the hospital, I had to empty these drains every few hours. Here’s how it works.

Click BREAST CANCER to watch the video on Associated